CIS of Indiana Giving Day 2021
Invest In Doing Whatever It Takes
The year 2020 will be remembered in history as the year the world came to a shrieking halt. Businesses shut down. Schools shut down.
Families were left to make shrinking ends meet, become their child’s teacher (on subjects they may know little about), and find a way to keep everything balanced.
Children felt isolated, unsure of the future. Students who needed us most were unable to connect to the virtual learning environment due to technology and connectivity issues. And our students fell farther and farther behind.
Through it all, Communities In Schools of Indiana stood side-by-side with the students who needed us most.
- Site coordinators made socially-distanced visits to family’s homes, delivering food, technology, and basic needs.
- Held virtual, social emotional groups to maintain connections and help overcome barriers
- Continued student check-ins through Google voice to build and maintain caring relationships
- Tracked down our hardest-to-reach families to re-engage students in virtual learning
- Advocated for socially distanced academic support for students at risk of failing grades
- Raised funds for families hardest hit in all 25 schools we serve for bright holiday seasons
- Held virtual community town hall meetings to help identify student needs and resources
As the over 37,000 students we serve transition back to in-person learning, CIS of Indiana is still here;
- building strong relationships with students to help them adjust to the new norm of learning
- identifying whole-school and individual student needs
- surrounding students with the right mix of community services and supports
- developing and maintaining strong, caring relationships with those who need us most
And no matter what the future may bring, Communities In Schools of Indiana will be here, doing whatever it takes to empower students in school and life.
Now is the time to act. Our students need the support of the community during this unprecedented time. Your investment to remove barriers means more students graduate, become employed, and are working to create a more viable community. Join us in ensuring student success in your community by thoughtfully considering the following monthly or annual gift levels or creating a giving level of your own.
Monthly Giving Circles
- $125 Supports a student who needs us most at a local school for an entire school year
- $62.50 Supports a student who needs us most at a local school for an entire school semester
- $15.63 Supports a student who needs us most at a local school for an entire month
Annual Giving Circles
- Friend | $5,000 – $9,999
- Contributor | $1,000 – $4,999
- Donor | $999 or less
Visit CISIndiana.org/donate for more information and to show your support.
Communities In Schools of Indiana works throughout the state of Indiana to build strong relationships with the students who need us most, school districts, and community organizations through an evidence-based model.
Through our work, we surround schools and students with support, developing positive school and student outcomes. The CIS model encompasses the entire school as well as individual students. Its components include: identifying and assessing needs; developing goals and action plans; identifying community resources and services to meet goals; providing intensive student support; and evaluating progress toward success.
Communities In Schools of Indiana is part of a network working in 2,300 schools and 23 states across the nation.